Wednesday Jul 03, 2024
Episode 19 - July 2024 I Ching forecast: Yin Metal Goat brings Conflict, Joy, Progress, and Following!
The Yin Metal Goat month runs from July 6-August 6, and the card of the month is #6, Conflict. It promises to be one of clarity, inner strength, boiling emotions, and sometimes hostility. It's more important than ever to stay grounded and work on disconnecting from the energies that are trying to control you. This doesn't mean that you need to hide in the closet! Use that inner fire to speak your truth, gather your tribe, and find the spark to continue to make incremental progress towards reaching your goals.
Card #58, The Joyous, focus line 1. Laughter is infectious, and can transform even the gloomiest of situations. Restore your surroundings with the gentle tinkling of it, even if it means you watch cat videos for several hours as you break away from the morass of the mundane and whims of the "what-ifs". Yes, dark clouds are everywhere it seems...but there are always silver linings if you look hard enough. And sometimes that means looking away until your heart is steady enough to move through the challenge.
Card #35, Progress, focus line 3. Now is the time to find your tribe, especially if you have been struggling to move towards the goal you've been aspiring towards. They will help you maintain momentum when you think you are ready to give up, and will celebrate you when you achieve your prize! Still, it's best to be alert to the beginning of the next cycle. Savor the sweetness of your accomplishments, but know that there is no full stop in the journey of life.
Card #17, Following, focus line 3. This card comes at a time when the world is fracturing into Us vs. Them. It's a timely card to help us evaluate if we are following a principled leader or one out for their own aggrandizement. Because it's line 3, it's signaling that it's time to "take the leap" from the old ways and move into the new group that best aligns with your soul's truth. Yes, that can come at the cost of mindsets and relationships but if they are constraining you and your growth, then it's for the best.
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