Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
Episode 21 - August 2024 Yang Water Monkey I Ching forecast: Discipline, Obstacles, and Self-Restraint
The Yang Water Monkey month is filled with vitality, problem solving, adventurousness, and dynamic exhilaration! It's also prone to pushiness, unpredictability, and mercurial selfishness. This may be exacerbated by Mercury Retrograde, which starts on August 4th and goes to August 27th. The I Ching card for this month is #7, Discipline. Yang Water needs structure, so this is the time to mobilize forces, exert authority, and define your direction or lose out on the forward momentum. Create a strategy to achieve your goals, but be patient and avoid any tendency to go for the "quick fix".
#9 The Taming Power of the Small, focus line 1 There is a lot of energy swirling all around us. Much of life is out of our control. Pay attention to the small details that may not look like much now, but will yield major results later. Also, look within to see what attitudes you may be carrying that undermine your sense of trust, or your ability to deal with others. Take care of your own affairs now, and work quietly and diligently to do the best you can.
#28, Excess, focus line 6 It's easy to say yes to small projects or requests. After a certain point, though, you may find that you have inadvertently burdened yourself with tasks and possessions that no longer fit with your worldview or your life goals. Now is the time to take a hard look at what is no longer needed, and to find the courage to release the things that are weighing you down. Discipline will be needed to find the courage to do so.
#39, Obstacles, focus line 3 Life rarely goes as planned, and this card means that there will be unexpected obstructions, frustrations, and struggles. Instead of panicking and indulging in victim mentality, take a beat to ground, calm down, and notice where inspired and empowered action is possible. The Big Picture is never fixed, so it's important to keep your energy fluid and in motion. If you have found that you have abandoned all of your everyday routines, do your best to restart some of them, as this also impacts everyone else around you. There will be a middle way to deal with your current difficulties.