Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
Episode 29 - December 2024: Corners of the Mouth, Completion, Before Completion, REVOLUTION!
The card for the month is #27, The Corners of the Mouth: With so much attention on holidays and feasting this month, pay attention to what is going into your mouth, your mind, and your environment. Are the people you are spending time with fueling growth and support, or are they tethering you to a version of yourself that you have outgrown? Mindful eating is a challenge when you are being encouraged to have a second helping of Aunt Martha's cornbread stuffing, but you are the one who will suffer the consequences of increased digestive issues. Meditation and breathwork will aid in staying grounded, as will the Energy Hygiene practice that I mentioned.
#63, Completion, focus line 2: This month may feel as if you have achieved all of your goals, and that it's time to celebrate! While that may be true, it's also important to remember that the only way is down once you've reached the peak of the mountaintop. If you aren't careful, you might find that you've created a situation that is more of a nightmare than the perfection you desired. Expect to feel exposed as you stand on top of the mountain. Just know that things will return to normal soon enough. Prudence is the watchword.
#64, Before Completion, focus line 6: Mercury Retrograde is 11/25-12/15. This is a time when you might think that everything was done and dusted, only to find out that things aren't quite the way that it seemed. Expect unanticipated challenges, delayed progress, and multiple fires that feel more like Whack-A-Mole than a relaxing winter's day. Just know that things happen when the timing is right, and all of the force and energy in the world won't speed that up. More reason to stay grounded and realistic. Don't be afraid to abandon a direction if you find that it's actually leading you away from your ultimate goal. Just because you spent a lot of time and money on something doesn't mean you should continue to throw good money after bad. The focus line encourages us to relax, celebrate what has been done so far, and throw a party! Every ending is the doorway to a new beginning, so look for the opportunities when they present themselves!
#49, Revolution, focus line 6: When Yin Metal and Fire meet, as in the hexagram for this card, transformation WILL happen. The snake outgrows its skin, and that period of discomfort eventually ends when the old makes way for the new. No matter how much you loved your childhood shoes, you will outgrow them and have the memories of the good times had while wearing them. Growth can feel risky and frightening, but with supportive people, courage, and fortitude you will be able to move forward. Disengage from habitual behaviors will encourage the flexibility needed to expand into the new paradigm. Remember that the Phoenix built their own bonfire to burn away the old prior to expanding into the new!
Energy Hygiene class: https://TheIntuitiveInteriorTransformation.as.me/EnergyHygieneOnlineDecember
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To book a Bazi Chinese Astrology reading: https://www.theintuitiveinterior.com/book-now
For your Joy Water or Joy Soak, please visit https://www.beverlybiehl.com/store