We are in the final days of the Yang Wood Dragon month, and the sparks are flying! The Yin Fire Ox month is symbolized by card 17, Following. It's an admonition to look at who you are trusting to lead you, lest you find yourself accidentally in a cult, or potentially heading off of a cliff. You can also find yourself in leadership positions, where you get to ideally help each of your followers become the best versions of themselves, fully equipped to go on to their own individual paths.
Card 62, line 2: Small Is Beautiful. Focus on what you can control: your attitude, your physical activity, your food. You may feel yourself on the edge of burnout, so take some time to slow down and notice what is working and not working for you.
Card 54, The Marrying Maiden, focus line 5: In the old days, Chinese men were allowed to take an additional "wife" for his pleasure. She was at his mercy and if she didn't prove herself useful, then she could be discarded. There may be external situations where you have been manipulated into inferior positions, or used for other's gain. When you discover that your integrity has been compromised, it's time to evaluate how you cooperated in the seduction and what motivated you to say yes to this agreement that isn't serving you. The superficial feels good at the time but it is corrosive eventually. Take responsibility for being duped and learn from your folly. Leave embarrassment and defensiveness behind as you assimilate the lessons learned.
#47, Oppression, line 3: In even the darkest of times, there is light. Now may be one of those times where we must go within to find the strength and inner determination to keep going and growing. This is the card of the yin-yang symbol, the knowing that within the dark is a glow of light, and within the light is the grounding of the dark. Don't waste energy with theatrics and temper tantrums. Instead channel your energy into curiosity as to how the situation can become filled with life affirming lessons.
The trigram for Yang Wood, Zhen, came up in three of the 4 cards. This is symbolized by Thunder, the shocking, earth rattling heavenly movement that is also attributed to Dragon energy. There may be events that come out of the blue, forcing new beginnings and movement where slower paths would have been preferable.
Dui also showed up 3 times. This is a slower paced energy, an open and unconventional sign that encourages optimism and joy, as well as exchanges of ideas.
Stay connected to your friend group and build strong coalitions with those in your immediate area. This will not only feel amazing to have a strong community, but you'll be better prepared in case of shock and awe.
ENERGY HYGIENE ONLINE CLASS 1/16/25, 6-8 p.m. CST Have you ever felt like your decisions weren't your own? We are bombarded with the energy of other people, and knowing how to tell what is your energy and what is another's energy is key to reducing anxiety, overwhelm, and internal chaos. This class will help you understand how to ground, disconnect from energy that is unnecessary, and how to tell when your field has been hijacked by others. I'll offer several techniques to shield, deflect, and even receive beneficial energy!
Energy Hygiene Class: https://TheIntuitiveInteriorTransformation.as.me/EnergyHygieneOnlineJanuary
ENERGY TRANSFORMATION COACHING SESSION: https://TheIntuitiveInteriorTransformation.as.me/transformation