Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
Episode 31- January 2025 IChing forecast
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
We are in the final days of the Yang Wood Dragon month, and the sparks are flying! The Yin Fire Ox month is symbolized by card 17, Following. It's an admonition to look at who you are trusting to lead you, lest you find yourself accidentally in a cult, or potentially heading off of a cliff. You can also find yourself in leadership positions, where you get to ideally help each of your followers become the best versions of themselves, fully equipped to go on to their own individual paths.
Card 62, line 2: Small Is Beautiful. Focus on what you can control: your attitude, your physical activity, your food. You may feel yourself on the edge of burnout, so take some time to slow down and notice what is working and not working for you.
Card 54, The Marrying Maiden, focus line 5: In the old days, Chinese men were allowed to take an additional "wife" for his pleasure. She was at his mercy and if she didn't prove herself useful, then she could be discarded. There may be external situations where you have been manipulated into inferior positions, or used for other's gain. When you discover that your integrity has been compromised, it's time to evaluate how you cooperated in the seduction and what motivated you to say yes to this agreement that isn't serving you. The superficial feels good at the time but it is corrosive eventually. Take responsibility for being duped and learn from your folly. Leave embarrassment and defensiveness behind as you assimilate the lessons learned.
#47, Oppression, line 3: In even the darkest of times, there is light. Now may be one of those times where we must go within to find the strength and inner determination to keep going and growing. This is the card of the yin-yang symbol, the knowing that within the dark is a glow of light, and within the light is the grounding of the dark. Don't waste energy with theatrics and temper tantrums. Instead channel your energy into curiosity as to how the situation can become filled with life affirming lessons.
The trigram for Yang Wood, Zhen, came up in three of the 4 cards. This is symbolized by Thunder, the shocking, earth rattling heavenly movement that is also attributed to Dragon energy. There may be events that come out of the blue, forcing new beginnings and movement where slower paths would have been preferable.
Dui also showed up 3 times. This is a slower paced energy, an open and unconventional sign that encourages optimism and joy, as well as exchanges of ideas.
Stay connected to your friend group and build strong coalitions with those in your immediate area. This will not only feel amazing to have a strong community, but you'll be better prepared in case of shock and awe.
ENERGY HYGIENE ONLINE CLASS 1/16/25, 6-8 p.m. CST Have you ever felt like your decisions weren't your own? We are bombarded with the energy of other people, and knowing how to tell what is your energy and what is another's energy is key to reducing anxiety, overwhelm, and internal chaos. This class will help you understand how to ground, disconnect from energy that is unnecessary, and how to tell when your field has been hijacked by others. I'll offer several techniques to shield, deflect, and even receive beneficial energy!
Energy Hygiene Class: https://TheIntuitiveInteriorTransformation.as.me/EnergyHygieneOnlineJanuary
ENERGY TRANSFORMATION COACHING SESSION: https://TheIntuitiveInteriorTransformation.as.me/transformation
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
Episode 30 - The Curiosity of Generational Relationships with Erica Thomas, LCSW, MSSW
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
Erica is an expert in mother-daughter relationships and a licensed psychotherapist of over 20 years. She is the owner of Vita Nova Counseling and Vita Nova Mother-Daughter Coaching in Liberty Hill, TX. Both practices were created to help teenage girls and adult women live authentically and guide mothers and daughters towards a path of healing, hope, and restoration in their mother-daughter relationship. Erica is also a consultant, mentor, and trainer, assisting mental health professionals around the world navigate mother-daughter dynamics with their own clients. On her spare time, Erica likes to participate in outdoor activities, connect with friends and colleagues, spend time with her family, and get lost in the moments of “just being.”.
For Mother/Daughter therapy, contact Erica at https://vitanovacounseling.com/
To find the directions on how you can find the correct bagua map for your home, sign up for my newsletter and follow the instructions on the next page! https://www.theintuitiveinterior.com/signup
Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
The card for the month is #27, The Corners of the Mouth: With so much attention on holidays and feasting this month, pay attention to what is going into your mouth, your mind, and your environment. Are the people you are spending time with fueling growth and support, or are they tethering you to a version of yourself that you have outgrown? Mindful eating is a challenge when you are being encouraged to have a second helping of Aunt Martha's cornbread stuffing, but you are the one who will suffer the consequences of increased digestive issues. Meditation and breathwork will aid in staying grounded, as will the Energy Hygiene practice that I mentioned.
#63, Completion, focus line 2: This month may feel as if you have achieved all of your goals, and that it's time to celebrate! While that may be true, it's also important to remember that the only way is down once you've reached the peak of the mountaintop. If you aren't careful, you might find that you've created a situation that is more of a nightmare than the perfection you desired. Expect to feel exposed as you stand on top of the mountain. Just know that things will return to normal soon enough. Prudence is the watchword.
#64, Before Completion, focus line 6: Mercury Retrograde is 11/25-12/15. This is a time when you might think that everything was done and dusted, only to find out that things aren't quite the way that it seemed. Expect unanticipated challenges, delayed progress, and multiple fires that feel more like Whack-A-Mole than a relaxing winter's day. Just know that things happen when the timing is right, and all of the force and energy in the world won't speed that up. More reason to stay grounded and realistic. Don't be afraid to abandon a direction if you find that it's actually leading you away from your ultimate goal. Just because you spent a lot of time and money on something doesn't mean you should continue to throw good money after bad. The focus line encourages us to relax, celebrate what has been done so far, and throw a party! Every ending is the doorway to a new beginning, so look for the opportunities when they present themselves!
#49, Revolution, focus line 6: When Yin Metal and Fire meet, as in the hexagram for this card, transformation WILL happen. The snake outgrows its skin, and that period of discomfort eventually ends when the old makes way for the new. No matter how much you loved your childhood shoes, you will outgrow them and have the memories of the good times had while wearing them. Growth can feel risky and frightening, but with supportive people, courage, and fortitude you will be able to move forward. Disengage from habitual behaviors will encourage the flexibility needed to expand into the new paradigm. Remember that the Phoenix built their own bonfire to burn away the old prior to expanding into the new!
Energy Hygiene class: https://TheIntuitiveInteriorTransformation.as.me/EnergyHygieneOnlineDecember
Free Bagua Map of your home: https://www.theintuitiveinterior.com/signup
To book a Bazi Chinese Astrology reading: https://www.theintuitiveinterior.com/book-now
For your Joy Water or Joy Soak, please visit https://www.beverlybiehl.com/store
Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Episode 28 - The Curiosity of Destiny with Trish Mathews
Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Discover WHO you really are and WHAT’s holding you back. Simply looking at your fingerprints and birthday, former Fortune 100 Executive ‘sees’ your life purpose and past life regrets.
Decode your unique love and money opportunities this year based on your birthday! Get your free report at DestinyDetective.com
For your free Bagua map to help you find your Wealth sector, go to https://www.theintuitiveinterior.com/
signup For a free report on your birthdate information, click https://destinydetective.com/
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
The dog clash month is behind us, but the Yin Wood Pig month can lead to misunderstandings, gullibility, and a trend towards groupthink. I misspoke in the video when I described a woman with a dragon on top of her head. After looking closer at the image, it's clear that it's a man with a very thin mustache and beard. Regardless, there is a decided air of leadership about the person. Dragon energy is often associated with new beginnings and visionary thinking along with justice. The card for the month is #34, Great Power, especially appropriate for the US Election day that is at the very end of the Clash month for the year, the month of the Dog.
#38, Opposition, focus line 6: The election energy will naturally highlight personal differences and exacerbate misunderstandings and possible lead to estrangement. The key this month is to tap into the energy of sweet talkers of the world in order to reduce the natural argumentative nature of this card.
#50, The Cauldron, focus line 6: Having this card present means that there will be lots of energy to support our inner alchemy and ability to discern wisdom out of the onslaught of information and disinformation.
#12, Standstill, focus line 4: It may take some time to figure out how to reach a compromise or an ultimate decision, but once proper communication is established, there will be a solution. Folks may be filled with mistrust and exhibit insensitivity, but the focus line 4 indicates that there will be people around to transmute this energy and bring folks back into balance. Seek them out (and reward them!)
For Transformational coaching: https://TheIntuitiveInteriorTransformation.as.me/transformation
To get your personal Bazi astrology reading: https://TheIntuitiveInteriorTransformation.as.me/Bazi
Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
Episode 26 The Curiosity of Anxiety
Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
Emotions are complex, and free-floating anxiety is one of the toughest ones to address. Many times, it's not even our anxiety. It can come from Social Conditioning, Generational Patterns, or even Past Life Experiences.
The Action Steps are: Clean the long term piles up Tune in to your physical body to see if that is the priority or if the mental/emotional needs come first Check all water sources and fix leaks Grant yourself permission to have peace ASK for assistance!!
To book your own Energy Transformation Session, please use this link: https://www.theintuitiveinterior.com/book-now
Wednesday Oct 02, 2024
Wednesday Oct 02, 2024
This month is the Clash month for the year. This means that friction is to be expected. However, this could be the action of a super fine grit nail file that smooths out the rough edges so you don't snag your pantyhose, or the extra rough grit of the machine that takes the bark of the tree. It could be both, or somewhere in between. Expect the unexpected, and roll with the tide.
The card for the month is #39, Obstacle. Also called Hardships in some translations. There will be unexpected obstructions, struggle, and feeling discouraged. The image on this card is that of a small sailboat struggling in choppy seas. This is a reminder to stay calm and keep a firm hand on your emotions so panic doesn't inspire you to make careless choices. That will sink you faster than the external circumstances.
Clarifying card #30, The Clinging, focus line 1: This is a pure fire card, which speaks to the passion, fire, and all-out devotion that many will cling to this month. Fire contains duality. It can illuminate, inspire, and transform, but it can also destroy and consume everything it touches. Using discernment can inform you when you are leaping in with both feet unwisely. Often what we see as "destiny" is masquerading as your "temptation". This is your time to pause and evaluate what you are clinging to, lest the fire of your passion burn you to a crisp.
Clarifying card #33, Retreat, focus line 1: Nature knows when it's time to pull back. The image on this card is one of birds flying south for the winter. This is not weakness. This is an act of strength. Now is the time to release something that is weighing you down. By releasing the grip of overidentifying with someone, something, or some concept that used to be serving you. You will find the regeneration of the first clarifying card to be much easier. The focus line further instills the guidance that creating a lot of drama is unnecessary, and that your timing is off no matter how much you protest.
Clarifying card #13, Companionship, focus line 2: We do not do well as solitary creatures. As individuals, we are but one piece of the beautiful tapestry of our community. This card encourages us to seek out our shared goals even as we create space for each individual's strengths to grow. This energy field of mutual respect and interdependence is what manifests as true harmony, a veritable heaven on earth. But it doesn't happen unless we recognize the value that each individual has intrinsically, especially those you disagree with.
To order Joy Water or Joy Soak: https://www.intuitivityllc.com/products
To book a Bazi Chinese Astrology reading: https://www.theintuitiveinterior.com/book-now
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Episode 24 - Missy Lawrence: The Curiosity of the Human Side of Digital
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Missy Lawrence, the TransforMaven, discusses how her career trajectory was inspired by her love of journaling, technology, and project management. She is now using her C-Suite skills to give other high achievers the permission to dive into their own MAGIC (listen to find out what that acronym means!) The 22nd Century Leadership is moving towards a new paradigm, and Missy is here to help Executives and Entrepreneurs tap into their own Intuitive skills.
Missy Thee Maven www.TransformMaven.com
@MissyManifestingMAGIC - insta www.LinkedIn.com/in/missy-transformmaven
MissyMagic.Substack.Com Missy@TransformMaven.com
Beverly Biehl, 214-679-3498
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
The Rooster is the 10th animal of the Chinese Zodiac. The personality characteristics are that of being outspoken, perfectionistic, organized, and quick to come to the right decision. They are who you want in your corner when there is a crisis, since they tend to align with those fighting for justice and have a strong sense of morality. Because they thrive on efficiency and being capable, they can easily keep their calm when @#&* hits the fan!
Yin Water this month highlights adaptability, communication, artistic endeavors, and out of the box thinking. It's been compared to a gentle rain, nourishing all with gentleness, but it can also feel like fog or mist, which lends a mysterious, moody vibe and can increase fearfulness, introversion, and lack of consistency.
This month, expect to see opportunities for examining relationships that feel out of harmony. Those that seem to hinder forward progress may be severed, or at least given the opportunity to draw up a new contract. The loudness of Rooster, naturally aligned with the Earth element, will be immensely enhanced by the Yin Water element. Do your best to check in on your strong friends this month...they may be feeling extra vulnerable underneath it all.
The overall card for September is #53, Development. It signifies gradual progress, adaptability, and continuity. It's a reminder to stay focused in the present and avoid dreaming about the future. Don't look for shortcuts by seeking distractions from the task at hand. Be patient, as this new energy of cooperation, respect and shared vision will have us all feeling like beginners in a dance class. One step, one beat at a time and we will get the hang of it!
Clarifying card #63 Completion, focus line 1: The race is won, the goal achieved! Hurray! But now what? The moment of your triumph is at hand, but it can slip away with carelessness or inattention. Let the Yin Water vibe of the month help you harness this energy and contain it. Don't bail out on your goal. Stay firm to your vision. The events that are happening now are all part of the plan that you set in motion earlier, so stay calm, take a deep breath, and "just keep Swimming"!
Card #25 Innocence, focus line 5: Retrain your brain to find the joy in life, and seek out simplicity, open-heartedness, and spontaneity! Listen to your heart as it returns to an earlier form of innocence, and welcome the mistakes as part of the pleasure of being human. Notice the emotions, don't become them. And above all, expect the unexpected and actively search for how this new experience is FOR you.
Card #5 Waiting, focus line 1: As the song goes, "the waiting is the hardest part"! Many want change and they want it NOW, but it's not quite time. Moderation, right timing, and perseverance are the key words, and the best course of action is to step back and not push forward. Build up your inner strength as you prepare for what is to come, whatever that may be. Focus on a positive outlook and a healthy body, and make sure all of the essential tasks are done with great care. Above all, avoid anticipating problems and working out how to deal with them ahead of time! This is depleting your life force and agitates you. Worrying is a form of self-abuse, as it's aligning yourself with the very situation that you desire to avoid.
For more information on Beverly and her work:
FB: https://www.facebook.com/TheIntuitiveInterior
IG: https://www.instagram.com/stories/theintuitiveinterior/
LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/beverly-biehl-9726336/
Website: https://www.theintuitiveinterior.com/
Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
Episode 22 - Stephanie Crain: Creativity and Intuition in Business
Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
*POWER WENT OUT AT THE END, SO EXPECT A BIT OF DEAD AIR BEFORE THE END OF THE PODCAST!* Stephanie Crain, The Corporate Mystic, shares more about her persona archetype system (The Big Boss, The Office Parent, The Analyzer, The Networker, The Entrepreneur, and The Creative) and how this shows up in corporate spaces. She also illustrates the need to have a balance of these types in functional businesses.
For more information on Stephanie and her work:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/corporate_mystic/
LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephaniecrain/
Book - Brand Shadow: https://a.co/d/fvGjrYM
website: https://tapasinnovation.com/
For more information on Beverly and her work:
FB: https://www.facebook.com/TheIntuitiveInterior
IG: https://www.instagram.com/stories/theintuitiveinterior/
LI: https://www.linkedin.com/in/beverly-biehl-9726336/
Website: https://www.theintuitiveinterior.com/
The Curiosity Solution
A lively discussion of the personal and professional adventures that happen when we follow our intuition, curiosity, and gentle nudges from the Universe!